
Futado Fugenloser

Renovating bathrooms with Volimea – trends, advantages and costs

In the past, the bathroom was considered primarily as a functional place where people did not spend long. Today, however, we use the bathroom as our own little spa area where we can relax and recover from the stress [...]

Renovating bathrooms with Volimea – trends, advantages and costs2021-03-01T17:13:15+01:00

Kalk-Marmor-Putz von volimea

Natürlich Volimea Der Pigmentierte Kalk-Marmor-Putz von volimea versprüht nicht nur Eleganz und ein optimales Wohlfühlambiente, sondern bietet auch noch eine Vielzahl an Vorteilen. Dazu gehören in erster Linie die ökologischen Aspekte, welche unsere Produkte von volimea mit sich bringen. [...]

Kalk-Marmor-Putz von volimea2020-04-07T10:46:13+01:00

Concrete look with volimea

What used to be a cold but useful building material has now become a real design highlight in terms of home furnishings - the concrete wall. Volimea also offers walls and floors in concrete look, bringing the urban industrial look [...]

Concrete look with volimea2021-02-23T16:48:54+01:00

Fugenlose Bodenbeschichtung

Ein Produkt und unzählige Anwendungsbereiche – das ist unser Alleskönner futado Wand- und Bodenbeschichtung. Der fugenlose Putz lässt sich sowohl auf Wänden als auch auf Böden verarbeiten und bietet somit die Möglichkeit, den Wohnraum, das Badezimmer, die Küche, die [...]

Fugenlose Bodenbeschichtung2020-02-26T13:41:31+01:00

Jointless wall and floor design kitchen

Jointless wall and floor coating in the kitchen area - - this is now possible with futado. The smooth and textured surfaces on a mineral white and grey cement base are ideal for use in dining and kitchen areas. Thanks [...]

Jointless wall and floor design kitchen2021-02-27T11:29:02+01:00

Jointless bathrooms and showers

Jointless bathrooms - the alternative to tiles. Jointless bathrooms are increasingly becoming the focus of modern bathroom design. in this respect with its futado product group futado also has a lot to offer. Futado is a mineral filler based on [...]

Jointless bathrooms and showers2021-02-24T16:38:40+01:00

Wall design living room with futado

Wall design living room with a wide range of colours, the mineral wall and floor coating von futado offers plenty of room for individuality and variety. Living rooms can be designed modern, minimalist but also colourful and gaudy. futado wall [...]

Wall design living room with futado2021-02-23T17:14:21+01:00

Jointless all-rounder – fully on trend with futado!

Jointless all-rounder - fully on trend with futado! futado that's what you're into! In recent weeks, we have presented many advantages of our volimea product group to you. But not only volimea has [...]

Jointless all-rounder – fully on trend with futado!2021-02-25T10:57:30+01:00